
In order to stream data through the ROS middleware, install MVN Studio software to stream the data from a Windows computer. An Linux Ubuntu client computer is required to receive the streamed data and publish it to a ROS network.


The Windows server computer and the Ubuntu client computer have to be on the same network.

Server (Microsoft Windows computer)

Install MVN Awinda Studio 2023 software.

If you need further information about the MVN software, please download the MVN User Manual.

Open a Live Configuration by clicking on “File -> Edit Live Configuration…” Load the desired body measurements.

After the calibration, you should be able to visualise the tracked human as in the following picture:

Open the Network Streamer window, add a new option and select to the following options:

  1. Position + Orientation (Quaternion)

  2. Linear Segment Kinematics

  3. Angular Segment Kinematics

  4. Time Code

  5. Center of Mass

  6. Joint Angles

Select UDP as protocol and 8001 as port.

Client (Linux Ubuntu computer)


  1. GNU/Linux Ubuntu 20.04

  2. ROS Noetic

  3. Git

  4. Catkin Tools

On your Linux Ubuntu machine install ROS noetic and git.

Execute the following steps to create a catkin workspace, clone the xsens_mvn_ros ROS package and compile it.

  1. Create a catkin workspace and change directory to the source code:

    mkdir -p path_to_catkin_ws/src
    cd path_to_catkin_ws/src
  2. Clone the xsens_mvn_ros repository:

    git clone --recursive
  3. Build your catkin workspace

    cd path_to_catkin_ws
    catkin build